Friday, January 18, 2008

what the lil missy said...

My 2+yo daughter these days have been picking up lots of the saying goes....GIGO (garbage in, garbage out). Last night, before going to bed, I had a pep talk with her cause mama (my MIL) said that she scolded yeh-yeh (my FIL) 'stupid'. I was shocked! Where in the world did my girl pick this up?

So going back to last night....our pep talk went like this ...

mom : Lil Missy, you CANNOT use the word stupid ok? It's a very vyer BAD word!

lil missy : ok. stupid and idiot.

mom : WHAT? Where did you hear that from?

lil missy : mama

mom : Mama said that to you?

lil missy : Mama said stupid and idiot

mom : Well the next time you hear mama use those words, you tell mama NOT to use those words ok? Those are bad words!

lil missy : Ok.....

Note to self - better get DH to have a word with MIL....


Sasha Tan said...

eee she followed her MAMA. Must ask yr hub to talk to her already. They absorp like sponge.

Marie said...

Hi Mumbo Jumbo Mummy! Thanks for dropping by...i grew up in a family (mostly mom's side) who loves to use vulgarity, They call each other 'names' which are horrible. I'm going to hav hard time with them when I hav kids.

laundryamah said... guilty as charged!!

Twin said...

OMG! i also don't allow my kids to use words like that too. But if i use without their presence, its ok. :)

Unknown said...

They also pick things up from TeeVeeeee. My son also will scold "stupid" because he saw it once (yes, only once) on TeeVeeee. Reprimanded, lectured, advised blah, blah, blah... he say okay but will still use it when very angry. Sigh! Not easy to get rid of garbage you know.

Annie Q said...

alamak, i always like to scold my maid stupid. Hmmmm...