Monday, February 18, 2008

and before i sweat the small stuff..i think of this...

The story of Ava has touched me in a way that has effected me tremendously (positively) and has given me a new perspective of motherhood altogether. I've learnt to not sweat the small stuff and before I blow up into a monstrous mom and nag about the what seems to be a ridiculous matter, like cleaning up a mess made by the kids....I think of Ava.
Live each day, every single day, with the understanding that one does not necessarily lead into the other.
Hug your family. Tight.
Put aside What Does Not Matter.
Tomorrow could be a completely new kind of normal.
Sheye Rosemeyer


ta66y said...

i too find that i'd sometimes forget what's truly important & sweat the small stuff. thanks for sharing ava's story!

Mommy to Chumsy said...

hey, thanks for sharing this. I'll remember not to sweat the small stuff.

Annie Q said...

thanks for sharing of Ava story, really touching!

wHOisBaBy said...

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